Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Lord's Time

I have a testimony that when we make time for the Lord, there is then time for anything else that needs to be done... even time for things we just like to do. Last night I enjoyed an hour of reading. This morning I threw together a Halloween costume for myself. This afternoon, the boys and I decorated our trunk for the trunk-or-treat (a front-door scene, complete with a scary tree and Oscar the Grouch in a trash can). Billy called it our spookable house. It has been a full day, but we made time to read the scriptures together. We studied the 1st Article of Faith. We said prayers together. I know that because we took a few minutes here and there to do these things, we had time for many things. Including picking up 21 pumpkins for the Trunk or Treat event. We are so blessed to have the Lord's Hand working for us. May we always remember these small things so there will be time for all the other things that add enjoyment to our lives.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

First post

First, Billy asked for Hartson Family Counsel tonight- even though we have it on Sundays. Obviously this teaching is important to him. It is great to see him appreciate it in his youth so soon into our beginning this new tradition.
Second, Our licensing for foster parents is complete. We should receive it in the mail within 3 weeks. Our worker seemed pleased with our home and preparations made.
Third, We accomplished much today in our home. Making it a house of order.
Fourth, Carl's job change really paid off today, we all went, as a family, to witness his costume parade at school. It's great he was able to be there. Billy was proud to tell everyone "there's my dad."
Fifth, We had a great opportunity to provide service for members in our ward. We babysat a couple of little ones for one sister doing a great work for the community and provided a meal for a different sister who had surgery Monday.
The Lord is letting us help to build his kingdom in many ways. Our work here is needed... in our home, our ward and our community.

My Inspiration

President Henry B. Eyring (2nd Counselor in the First Presidency) addressed us October 7, 2007 in the Sunday Morning Session of conference in a talk entitled, "O Remember, Remember". Now, I'm not sure if I watched it or listened when it was first given, but today I crept out of bed early hoping to have a spiritual experience for myself and after a prayer, I opened my Ensign right to this message.
"I'm not giving you these experiences for yourself. Write them down."

After receiving this prompting, President Eyring began writing, everyday, about how he had seen the hand of the Lord bless his family. I feel a great need to have such a book for myself and my family.
So today I will begin. I feel compelled to first, share our situation in the world. Right now, we are struggling greatly financially. But finances aren't everything. We are happy and we have great love. Our house in Burlington is on the market (since March). We are renting a house at in Waterloo, until we can purchase it. The owner is starting to worry that we won't sell our home and make the purchase. Maybe I should explain why we're in this situation of paying for two homes.
My husband Carl left his job as a Manager at Furniture Row in Burlington back in December. The hours were terrible and the atmosphere was tense. He was unemployed until February when Carl decided to pursue a career in banking. We lived apart until June. Carl stayed with his brother Josh in Cedar Falls, since his new job is in Waterloo. I stayed in Burlington so Billy could finish preschool and I could get the house ready to sell. Plus, I was working at Target part-time for awhile.
Despite the trouble we've had this past year our family has been blessed abundantly. That is what I need to record here. The hand of God is visible daily in our lives. I feel compelled to journal this for the strength of my family. This last year we've started having Hartson Family Counsel weekly and we've been better at holding Family Home Evening. We have also been diligent in building and using our Food Storage. The Spirit is in our home more prevalently now. Our trials, though difficult, have brought great blessings.