Monday, November 3, 2008

Mixed Feelings

Yesterday during Stake Conference President Oesterle (Steve, not Rudi) talked about Reverence. I knew as he spoke that we are missing that in our home. The Spirit testified to me that our Reverence is lacking. We had a difficult day yesterday. We had to leave Stake Conference earlier for several reasons. Billy kept hacking, coughing so forcibly that I was sometimes sure it would end in vomiting. Ian kept talking and banging his toys loudly on the metal chairs and Carley kept climbing and standing on the chairs. It was an embarassing day.
As for the mixed feelings part, I'm starting to loose faith that our house in Burlington will sell. It looks very bleak for us financially. Perhaps the Lord has other plans for us. It feels hopeless and depressing. Let's hope for the best, but expect the worst.

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