Saturday, November 15, 2008

Phew! and Smile

I have been neglecting to look for the Lord's Hand in my life while I have been encompassed with my packed
schedule. However, looking back, I have two experiences to share.
Today as I was walking Skittles (which I do 3 times a day, every day, despite the weather), we came to the end of the block. As it was our afternoon outing and snowing, I crossed the street after only covering the one block. We headed back to the house on the opposite side of the street. After just getting past 2 houses, I heard a loud crash behind me. There was a car accident. A car had been turning onto the side street and the oncoming car hit him and his car hopped onto the curb with the bumper torn off in the road. I had just been standing there just one or two minutes beforehand. It shocked me and I said a little prayer for the people in the accident and a quick thanks for my safety and returned home. Many people were on-site within those few minutes as our road is fairly busy.
And now for the smile post. Billy and Ian are my sweet little boys. They are so great. Last night I was out at the church doing some dinner prep for the stake youth dinner tonight and daddy had put them to bed. When I came home a little after 8, I peeked in to see my little girl curled up and totally fast asleep. My boys, however, were awake and alert. They received their hugs and kisses and begged for me to read to them, but I said goodnight and left. A little later they came out into the living room and my 3-year-old in his perfect 3-year old pleading voice asked for "Scriptures?". Daddy said, I told you the story of Moses. They both looked at me and asked again for scriptures. Daddy had tried to get out of reading the normal chapter per night by compensating with a well-known story. The kids persisted. I went in and read Alma 25 to my captivated audience and I smiled as I left them with a prayer. They may have been prolonging their bedtime, but I have passed on to them a great gift- given to me by Nicole Sweeney (a friend in Burlington). I thought my kids were too little for the actual scriptures, but in her testimony one Sunday she shared her experience reading to her boys from the BOM and I decided if her boys were big enough, mine were too. From that day on I stopped dumbing down the scriptures and shared them completely with my kids. I'm grateful they want to hear, even if it's just to stay up a little longer.

1 comment:

The Copes said...

wow, I wish we had such succsess with our family scripture efforts.